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Articles for category Charts

GDP per Capita and Life Expectancy Chart
12/7/2015 - Posted by Jeff Walter

This chart shows the relationship between life expectancy and GDP per capita. The source is the United Nations' 2009 life expectancy data from 197 countries. The chart uses a logarithmic scale, so pay close attention to the X axis when comparing different countries.


Happiness and GDP per Capita Chart
5/16/2013 - Posted by Jeff Walter

The chart from Gallup shows the relationship between GDP per Capita and Life Satisfaction (i.e. happiness). As can be seen there is a strong correlation between GDP per capita and happiness of a population. Please note that the X-axis uses a logarithmic scales so the impact of GDP per Capita on happiness is even more dramatic than chart conveys.


Median Income and GDP per Capita Chart
5/13/2013 - Posted by Jeff Walter

As can be seen on the chart there is a strong correlation between GDP per Capita and Median Family Income. For the first three decades after WWII the two were perfectly correlated. After 1975 both continued to grow, however GDP per capita has been growing faster than Median Family Income.


Size of Government and GDP Growth Chart
5/9/2013 - Posted by Jeff Walter

This chart is from The Size and Functions of Government and Economic Growth study performed for for the Congressional Joint Economic Committee.  The chart summarizes the regression analysis performed that shows a negative relationship between the size of government and economic growth. The study included data from over a 36 year period for all industrialized countries. The study also revealed that after 20%, most of the increase in the size of government is due to transfer payments (i.e. welfare programs, corporate subsidies, etc.).


Economic Growth and Size of Government Chart
5/7/2013 - Posted by Jeff Walter

This chart is from "The Size and Functions of Government and Economic Growth" study performed for for the Congressional Joint Economic Committee. The study analyzed the relationship between the size of government and economic growth over a 36 year period for all industrialized countries. The general finding was that as the size of government grew beyond 20% of GDP, economic growth diminished.


US Unemployment by Education Level Chart
5/7/2013 - Posted by Jeff Walter

This chart shows the US unemployment rate by the level of education obtained by worker. As we might expect the in a knowledge economy, the more educated you are, the more employment opportunities you have.